Hey Y'all,
Thank you to everyone who made a card
for me. I have read 3 and have 29 more to go! Great idea on Mom's part! It's
crazy to think that I am at the last month! It is crazy! Time is just getting
away from me! This week though it was amazing to see just how much more I am
doing to as the Lords Servant. I have been pondering a lot about the things I
have learned on my mission and the list keeps getting bigger. A lot of what I
learned I feel God is showing me daily all of the lessons and skills I have
learned getting out to the test and helping me notice them so much more! God is
really amazing and is definitely helping me finish strong!
Monday was again a visit to the beach.
We have members in the Ward who own a little diner and have to go through them
for a pier walk. Members know how to treat us. They got us free breakfast and a
free pier walk. I think I talked about it in my last weeks letter.
This week we worked a lot with Wendy and
WOW! what great experiences we are having with her. We have been teaching her
and really debating if we should invite her to be baptized. Every time we
planed to it just didn't seem right. On Friday was probably the best. we had
planned to read a talk with her from conference about being a Child of God and
we wanted to watch it on the tv. Luckily it worked and so as we were just
watching other videos. sister Higbee came across the Full Restoration video
which is telling the whole story of Joseph Smith with his mother doing the
narrations. It was definitely by the spirit that we were supposed to watch it
with her. Wendy loved it and she was just glued to the movie. We had to leave
before it was over and she was saying that she was having a Physical reaction
to this movie. She has goose bumps, had being feeling really warm and just felt
refreshed. she didn't know how else to explain it. We asked her questions to
help her realized that is was the spirit. It was really strong now! She was
saying this is how I feel the spirit. What is it trying to tell me? We both
testified that it is saying that Joseph Smith really was a prophet of God and
that the Book of Mormon is true and all the bad things happen to us like the
horrible persecution the saints went through was to help make them strong.
Later that night we were texting her and she respond with " I really want
to make things right with God and I want to join the church! I never thought
she would say that but I know knew why we didn't feel right but that she needed
to want it. She is getting a baptism date this week for sure! We haven't have a
lesson with her since then and so we will be committing her to a date
This week we have been focusing on
finding! We have tracted a lot and man I just got tired of it this week. I was
kind of dragging my feet as we drove over there. But I knew I had to and that I
needed to have faith that we will find someone or at least will be able to have
a great experience. I prayed about that and man god is amazing. We had two
great conversion! One of which I thought would not listen to us, but she talked
and told us some things she didn't feel that is right that we believe. Some of
it was wrong and some we had to clarify but at the end we were able to share
our testimony and she relaxed. She felt bad that we have been misguided or
something but once we told her that we except Christ she was nicer and sounded
more like a conversation of us all sharing our testimony then when it started
with correcting us.
Sorry again I have run out of time and so I
just want to end with one experience. we had a lesson with a part member
family. The husband is the non member and has wanted to join in the past but he
wasn't ready and so he stopped working toward baptism. He is an amazing man and
is really close. He doesn't want to commit until he really is and is very
sincere. We taught him about the Atonement and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
it really was a great lesson where the spirit was present and so we were able to
be bold with him and help address his concerns. He has a concern with being
able to know enough to commit to a calling or teach and follow all the
standards. I felt the whole time that we need more people like you. I finally
told him that it's okay that your not ready. We can tell you really want it for
you and you understand covenants and promises you will be making and that will
give you a stronger conversion but to not let these set backs from allowing YOU
peace. He sat there and then told us. Well, now you have given me things to
think about. we both testified and ended with a prayer. He is amazing and his
wife is a great example. I love seeing those people who want to right and be
true followers of the Lord!
Well another great week and another has
started I hope you all stay safe and enjoy your week! Love you all!
Sister Farr
Sister Tayler Farr
Follow Sister Tayler Farr's adventures as she serves as a Full Time Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!
Friday, June 24, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
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Wendy and Us! |
Well what a week! A lot has happened and we had a really great week! we found 4 new investigators and one was just contacting at a park! We had lots of funny experiences! We saw crabs, frogs, found a legit tree house and got to tract it, survived the first bad week of welcoming to the horrid humid summer and got our car hit with chocolate pudding on the side of our car by kids as a school bus was passing by- grateful my window was up when just about 5 minutes earlier it was down. By the way just before we had driven to go contact people we had gotten a car wash! It was a funny week but still one I don't think I will ever forget!
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Malachi and Wendy! Love Them! |
Wednesday we had a great Zone Training and again another great meeting full of revelation and honest learning hearts. Our last instruction was my favorite we talked about Sacrifice vs. Devotion in missionary work. We sacrifice but when we are devoted we even give up our agency! That hit me hard! We then read in the Doctrine in Covenants about how Christ did come to earth imperfect but progressed much more than we ever will and became perfect! It was great and really made me think! I love this Gospel and so grateful to be able to be a missionary and be around so many great ones to learn from as well!
Friday we had a dinner with a friend of some of the members. She is not an investigator or interested but loves to serve the missionaries. We had pizza and apple sauce. She always has to have apple sauce with pizza! its a mom thing, have to have your fruits. It was so fun with her! she is Catholic and we got to share a message and she did one too! We stopped by an older member who was just about to leave with his daughter. He is home bound but so sweet! He gave us a referral for his neighbor and we found out that the daughter she already comes with the Bishops daughter, there best friends, and is going to girls camp and youth conference! We are trying to find out if she has ever been invited to take the lessons! Everyone says she is going to marry a Mormon boy! We will see what will happen but she is sweet girl!
Well like I said before in the past sometimes tracting and contacting strangers is not my favorite but it helps when it is actually fruitful. We have been wanting to find good new people to teach and so it lead to trying former's and potentials, but died fast so we tracted a lot this week and contacting and we found like I said four new investigators. On Saturday we had decided to go contact at a park. When we got there no one was there except a man at the tennis courts. I figured he might be an instructor. We were thinking we would come back to him but I was like I can start the conversation easy. Tennis Hello! Long story short we talked about prophets, faith and Christ! We set up an appointment again at the park in between his lessons. He is Polynesian and is a sweet man! He has been prepared and he even said on one of these Mondays we can play with him! I was excited about that! But haven't played so might be terrible! He loves teaching left handers! Which I thought instructors hated teaching lefties but he loves it! Says they are more successful! I was happy about that!
Sunday like I said Wendy came with her son and it was great! We can really see more desire in Wendy she is getting closer to baptism and we noticed we have been waiting to ask her to be baptized when we felt she was ready but we feel that is a mistake now! We are repenting big time! She is moving forward so quickly and is amazing us and we can see her happier! She is even asking to help with activities and asks us before we even give her a committed what we want her to read and study this week! She is amazing and now we just need to work on her mom!
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At the beach! Ocean Isle Beach |
Sister Tayler Farr
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Shallotte is stuck with me!
Hey Y'all,
So from my title this week I am happy and grateful to say that I am staying in Shallotte and Shallotte is stuck with the famous Sister Farr! Having to tell everybody that it was a possibility really scared me this time and I really didn't want to leave Wendy and Vikki! But truly I am beyond excited to also announce I am staying with Sister Higbee and she gets to help me stay sane for the last 6 weeks of my mission......which is hard to say and never thought it would come to this, but I am making sure these last 6 weeks is not mine but Christ's and that I am just is mouth piece in it all!
This week is really a big blur and so I am going to start from Sunday!
Sunday was great Wendy came and we had a great timer at church! We were able to tell the Ward that we are staying and Bishop Fish was happy to hear it! We had a great talk with, like always and he is just a great Bishop and that any missionaries dream is to have one just like him! We talked about my plans after the mission and he gave me some ideas and things to think about and we talked about our investigators and other people are working with. We were able to make contact or see everyone he has asked us to see which we made sure to do (advice from Dad) and it was great to report. He was excited to hear people we were able to make contact he was afraid wouldn't get us a time of day! After that we had to rush over to Ocean Isle Beach and had lunch with a less active and her husband. It was great food but boy it was filling! We had a great time with her and got to know her more and will might be given a new missionary opportunity with her daughter coming to live with them for a while! She was so excited to tell us so we can influence her! I just love this women and just love how she loves the gospel! Sunday night I seriously have come to see that God has a sense of humor and I just am not the smartest when it comes to driving in Shallotte. Again I got us into a ditch but this time it was because of the wet muddy ground! Again we used it as a missionary tool and we got it out fine but I don't think I will be trying to turn like that ever again for certain for now on or will rudely just have to make Sister Higbee back me! I got to see how people use chains to get people out of ditches and next time someone needs help at least I will know what to do! hahaha! yeah! Later that night we got to members home lucky we were only 5 minutes late. It was the family we visited awhile back where they were all return missionaries! We talked about the Family mission Plan and how to start and continue to do missionary work. They told us what they have been doing and come to find out one of them since he has a really bad medical condition that deals with a difference in his blood flow in his body he shares the gospel through video games! I thought that was awesome! We talked a lot about mission experiences and they gave us a lot to think about! I kind of ended the night with a little self pity cry and feeling bad and allowing Satan to get to me! But realized that I just got to push and make the best out of this and finish strong and that it is really okay to think about the future and what next months bring, and so forth. I honestly think Sister Higbee was going to shake me into reality or something she was very sweet and listened well! She is amazing and now its like all good but man it was a kind of a rough night for us!
With that being said Saturday was a great day and we had great experience! We had gotten a referral from family in the ward and so we visited them and they let us right in and they loved when we started talking about the Book of Mormon! We left them with it to read till we came back. We didn't get a return appointment. They are older and so they have lots of doctor appointments so they are calling us. We saw Wendy and taught about the story of Esther! she loved it and we watched a video of Courage! Esther definitely showed courage and faith! We ended the night seeing a less active and his family. They were all a big hoot and lets just say I was very much comfortable and was my normal crazy self and it was great we left with a bible scripture and prayer. We were invited to come back! Some day this family will join!
Friday we got to have another great lesson with our other investigator Jeff. Not sure if I used his name yet but we read the talk His Grace is Sufficient and had a member from the Bishopric with us. We knew they would have fun and we were right. They really hit it off and found that they both have had near death experiences. Neither one of them should be alive and One had about 10 shots in his body and still he lived!
We have seen a lot of people this week and sadly we couldn't show it but I have learned that this week! That it better to focus on the people and not the number behind it. Even if it means we are late to another lesson or we simply don't share anything but we show love and that we care! I knew that but recently I have forgotten it! All in all I am so grateful to be staying here in Shallotte! To see where we are now I can;t wait what the next 6 weeks bring! We have had great experience, learned new things, definitely have learned from each other and we have so much that we can do now and the area is really starting to just be amazing! The work is truly being Hastened her in Shallotte and I have never seen so much potential in one area like this before and I am grateful to be able to serve here in this piece of the Lord's Vineyard! I hope you all have a great and Blessed Week and I am sending my love to you from North Carolina!
Sister Farr
Sister Tayler Farr
So from my title this week I am happy and grateful to say that I am staying in Shallotte and Shallotte is stuck with the famous Sister Farr! Having to tell everybody that it was a possibility really scared me this time and I really didn't want to leave Wendy and Vikki! But truly I am beyond excited to also announce I am staying with Sister Higbee and she gets to help me stay sane for the last 6 weeks of my mission......which is hard to say and never thought it would come to this, but I am making sure these last 6 weeks is not mine but Christ's and that I am just is mouth piece in it all!
This week is really a big blur and so I am going to start from Sunday!
Sunday was great Wendy came and we had a great timer at church! We were able to tell the Ward that we are staying and Bishop Fish was happy to hear it! We had a great talk with, like always and he is just a great Bishop and that any missionaries dream is to have one just like him! We talked about my plans after the mission and he gave me some ideas and things to think about and we talked about our investigators and other people are working with. We were able to make contact or see everyone he has asked us to see which we made sure to do (advice from Dad) and it was great to report. He was excited to hear people we were able to make contact he was afraid wouldn't get us a time of day! After that we had to rush over to Ocean Isle Beach and had lunch with a less active and her husband. It was great food but boy it was filling! We had a great time with her and got to know her more and will might be given a new missionary opportunity with her daughter coming to live with them for a while! She was so excited to tell us so we can influence her! I just love this women and just love how she loves the gospel! Sunday night I seriously have come to see that God has a sense of humor and I just am not the smartest when it comes to driving in Shallotte. Again I got us into a ditch but this time it was because of the wet muddy ground! Again we used it as a missionary tool and we got it out fine but I don't think I will be trying to turn like that ever again for certain for now on or will rudely just have to make Sister Higbee back me! I got to see how people use chains to get people out of ditches and next time someone needs help at least I will know what to do! hahaha! yeah! Later that night we got to members home lucky we were only 5 minutes late. It was the family we visited awhile back where they were all return missionaries! We talked about the Family mission Plan and how to start and continue to do missionary work. They told us what they have been doing and come to find out one of them since he has a really bad medical condition that deals with a difference in his blood flow in his body he shares the gospel through video games! I thought that was awesome! We talked a lot about mission experiences and they gave us a lot to think about! I kind of ended the night with a little self pity cry and feeling bad and allowing Satan to get to me! But realized that I just got to push and make the best out of this and finish strong and that it is really okay to think about the future and what next months bring, and so forth. I honestly think Sister Higbee was going to shake me into reality or something she was very sweet and listened well! She is amazing and now its like all good but man it was a kind of a rough night for us!
With that being said Saturday was a great day and we had great experience! We had gotten a referral from family in the ward and so we visited them and they let us right in and they loved when we started talking about the Book of Mormon! We left them with it to read till we came back. We didn't get a return appointment. They are older and so they have lots of doctor appointments so they are calling us. We saw Wendy and taught about the story of Esther! she loved it and we watched a video of Courage! Esther definitely showed courage and faith! We ended the night seeing a less active and his family. They were all a big hoot and lets just say I was very much comfortable and was my normal crazy self and it was great we left with a bible scripture and prayer. We were invited to come back! Some day this family will join!
Friday we got to have another great lesson with our other investigator Jeff. Not sure if I used his name yet but we read the talk His Grace is Sufficient and had a member from the Bishopric with us. We knew they would have fun and we were right. They really hit it off and found that they both have had near death experiences. Neither one of them should be alive and One had about 10 shots in his body and still he lived!
We have seen a lot of people this week and sadly we couldn't show it but I have learned that this week! That it better to focus on the people and not the number behind it. Even if it means we are late to another lesson or we simply don't share anything but we show love and that we care! I knew that but recently I have forgotten it! All in all I am so grateful to be staying here in Shallotte! To see where we are now I can;t wait what the next 6 weeks bring! We have had great experience, learned new things, definitely have learned from each other and we have so much that we can do now and the area is really starting to just be amazing! The work is truly being Hastened her in Shallotte and I have never seen so much potential in one area like this before and I am grateful to be able to serve here in this piece of the Lord's Vineyard! I hope you all have a great and Blessed Week and I am sending my love to you from North Carolina!
Sister Farr
Sister Tayler Farr
Thursday, June 2, 2016
This is a small report this week but seriously I could say more!
Hey Y'all,
Well what a week! We had a pretty crazy week! Monday we had exchanges with our sister Training leaders and we had fun! I stayed in Shallotte. We found new investigators by tracting! It was a great experience.
Wednesday we had a potluck as a district and we brought Darth Vader Waffles. So good! We had a lesson with Vikki tonight again on Patriarchal blessings. She is getting hers on June 19th and so excited for her! She is just amazing! I just hope to get her to go to the temple next!
Thursday was a good day and we were able to even finish weekly planning go see people except I got the car stuck as we were driving home from trying to contact a former investigator. I got it really stuck. Some of the neighbors came over to help us get it out and they had to jack it up on wood planks and then have me try to back it up from off the wood planks. It was really embarrassing but we got potentials from the experiences and we are going to be visiting them soon. I really do think that God has a sense of humor since He let this happen!
Last week I told you about Wendy our new investigator! She is amazing and we had a great lesson with her and got to meet her mom. We got a text from her asking for us to meet at the pool. She told us some stuff and we got her to come to church! In the last 24 hours we can see just how much the Spirit is working on her and she came to church Sunday without a problem!
Sunday was great! With it being the 5th Sunday we had combined meeting and we, the Ward mission leader, and our favorite ward missionary talked to the members about Family mission plans. We talked about all the success and fun and the gratitude for all their help. Sister Sanchez talked about the fears, and why we do missionary work. The WML talked about everything. He was bold but it was great and so inspired. We weren't nervous and none of the other two said anything they were planning on to say. It was a very Spirit led meeting and so excited to work more with the ward with missionary work! Shallotte is going to be flying this next transfer with so many potential and great experiences I just hope I am here!
This is a small report this week but seriously I could say more! I have so much on my mind! We had interviews with President and Sister James and it was great. They are amazing and Sister James is the sweetest! I cry and she does the hugging! hahaha! I got a blessing from Bishop Fish and had Sister Higbee take notes! I am glad I did. It was full so much! and from everything he said I have so much more to do and my time is getting shorter and I know that God has so much more for me to do! Like get Wendy to the waters of Baptism! Love you all and know that I am thinking of you! Have a great and blessed week!
Well what a week! We had a pretty crazy week! Monday we had exchanges with our sister Training leaders and we had fun! I stayed in Shallotte. We found new investigators by tracting! It was a great experience.
Wednesday we had a potluck as a district and we brought Darth Vader Waffles. So good! We had a lesson with Vikki tonight again on Patriarchal blessings. She is getting hers on June 19th and so excited for her! She is just amazing! I just hope to get her to go to the temple next!
Thursday was a good day and we were able to even finish weekly planning go see people except I got the car stuck as we were driving home from trying to contact a former investigator. I got it really stuck. Some of the neighbors came over to help us get it out and they had to jack it up on wood planks and then have me try to back it up from off the wood planks. It was really embarrassing but we got potentials from the experiences and we are going to be visiting them soon. I really do think that God has a sense of humor since He let this happen!
Last week I told you about Wendy our new investigator! She is amazing and we had a great lesson with her and got to meet her mom. We got a text from her asking for us to meet at the pool. She told us some stuff and we got her to come to church! In the last 24 hours we can see just how much the Spirit is working on her and she came to church Sunday without a problem!
Sunday was great! With it being the 5th Sunday we had combined meeting and we, the Ward mission leader, and our favorite ward missionary talked to the members about Family mission plans. We talked about all the success and fun and the gratitude for all their help. Sister Sanchez talked about the fears, and why we do missionary work. The WML talked about everything. He was bold but it was great and so inspired. We weren't nervous and none of the other two said anything they were planning on to say. It was a very Spirit led meeting and so excited to work more with the ward with missionary work! Shallotte is going to be flying this next transfer with so many potential and great experiences I just hope I am here!
This is a small report this week but seriously I could say more! I have so much on my mind! We had interviews with President and Sister James and it was great. They are amazing and Sister James is the sweetest! I cry and she does the hugging! hahaha! I got a blessing from Bishop Fish and had Sister Higbee take notes! I am glad I did. It was full so much! and from everything he said I have so much more to do and my time is getting shorter and I know that God has so much more for me to do! Like get Wendy to the waters of Baptism! Love you all and know that I am thinking of you! Have a great and blessed week!
Sister Tayler Farr
Sister Tayler Farr
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