Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week 6 = Roller Coaster + Baptism!

Hey Y'all,

So what a great week it has been! It started out kind of rocky but finished with a great ending! I'm gonna change things a bit starting with Sunday!

Sunday we had a Mission President Fireside! It was hosted in one of the members from Hope Mills 1st ward and we got 3 of the less actives we invited to come. We were hoping to get some investigators but we had a good show up from others areas in the Zone! President and Sister James came and they both shared a little thought then we all introduced ourselves and went around to everyone who wasn't a missionary and talk why they came. I wasn't expecting to have one of the families to get up and talk but they both did and shared there story of coming back to activity and shred beautiful testimonies! It was great to be a part of and the spirit was so strong! We had a lot of Recent Converts come! I have been trying to be able to come to one my whole  mission and so glad I got the chance! It was great to talk with President about Hope Mills and he was so excited to hear the success and work we are doing here! Scared now  to know what Saturdays Transfers news may bring!

Saturday was amazing! We had a lesson cancel but we got the senior missionary couple to come with us! We had a great lesson at a Bible referrals door following up on the Family proclamation and started teaching the Plan of Salvation! We taught her in her porch and got a return appointment for this Saturday! She is so amazing and is a great women! Loves her family and loves it that we told her that families are very important to God! Which is why I think she is letting us come back!

After the lesson we drove down to Dunn for Emily's Baptism!!!!! It was amazing and was glad to be there for her! Sister Beard looked happy to and so glad to be able to see her and all of my Dunn family! We got to practice for our song to sing for Emily "If the Savior Stood beside me" I told her I sang the song at a couple of baptisms and she wanted us to sing it at hers. It went well although I still have a cough with a stuffy nose but I had prayed so hard all day that it would be fine through the song! No cough or stuffy nose for this girl singing One of the best songs ever! I had gotten a hard copy of the Boom of Mormon and was able to keep the tradition of everyone who attended to write in it but this time I had everyone mark there favorite scripture! Emily loved it and it was great to give her my testimony of it! I got to help her as she was being baptized and waited on the stairs from the font to give her a towel and hep her get ready! I have never cried so hard at a baptism I think! Emily said the day started out bad but by the end of the day so felt so good! Satan was over powered by a desiring soul to do what she needed for herself! It was great to finally met her boyfriend who had gotten all of her journey started! Truly it was the best day ever to witness on my mission and to know that I helped bring a soul to God!

Friday we went on exchanges and I can say I survived my first time on my own in Hope Mills and it was great to finally make contact and met our investigator! It has taken this long to finally met an investigator who was refereed by a less active that the previous sisters taught! She has such much questions and so much potential. Grateful to be able to teach her!

The week itself wasn't the best as we would have hoped! A lot of our appointment canceled.... of course but we did get to accomplish a lot.

We went to Wilmington for our Zone Conference! It was combined with 2 other Zones and was amazing! I can say that I have been to Wilmington now! I saw lots of missionary friends and past companions! We had a great conference! We saw a lot of the successes that we are doing in the mission and President talked about how we can move to the mission further and do it through getting the members on board with us! We didn't do roll plays sadly but we had great discussions and a lot of instruction on planning! Grateful to know how important it is! After lunch we went to the botanical garden for the afternoon! We got to walk around for 3 hours just hanging! If I will say anything about it I'd say that if we would have an idea what the Garden of Eden looked like I'd say it may be close! Lots of fun pictures and fun with a lot of missionaries and President and Sister James! I love this mission! We had exiting testimonies and a lot of them I have served with! Someone told me just wait the next Zone Conference it will be your turn! Yeah the ones sharing there testimonies go home the Transfer before me! I was kind of a mess after that comment! Crazy how fast time is going!

Monday we had a another great Zone activity playing football, zombie ball, and duck duck goose! Yes we grown adults played that game! It was really funny! I love this Zone and have made some long lasting friends for sure! I like the fact that I don;t play like a girl to much!

A lot has happened this transfer and so much I wish I could share but I love this work and I was able to get a blessing from my Mission President to help me push strong to the end! I have seen the importance of prayer this week and what it really means to ask for the help we need from the source who can give to us! I love the amazing feeling that comes from the Holy Ghost when I can feel the love from  my Heavenly Father and know that I am where I need to be! I have a lot to do and am so excited to get busy! I love you all and love all the support for no missionary can do this work with out help especially from Jesus Christ but from their family too! Love you all!


Sister Tayler Farr

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